From the beginning of my bachelors degree until now, I've undertaken a bunch of projects including games, animation sequences and user interaction programs. Here I've saved a few of my larger group and individual projects.
A multiplayer, arena fighter! Fight with up to 4 players and be crowned the ultimate Gladiator!
WINNER: UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT Prototype Exhibition 2021
- Best Digital Game
A classic roguelike - Fight as Jop the Wizard, reclaim your powers and escape the stronghold!
WINNER: UTS Autumn Games Showcase 2021
- Best from Games Design Studio 1
A 3D space-fighting game where your objective is to eliminate enemy spaceships.
WINNER: UTS Autumn Games Showcase 2020
- Best from Intro to Computer Graphics
One of my first projects, a recreation of the original Pacman with customised pixel art.